Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dark and Light

Carlsbad Caverns.
Yes! The caves! Dark!

Pretty much an amazing place. Even if it's theatrically lit, and you dutifully walk down paved paths. That is necessary for it to exist at all.

Posted a photo here of what was one of the very few features in the entire cave that did not have a posted name. We named it the "Devil's Boob". The name is so obvious there was no need for a damned sign. Every thing else was named the Devil's something down there. The Devils' Pit, the Devils Column, the Devil's Washboard, the Devil's Underwear Drawer, the Devil's Girlfriend's Face Product He Hides Behind the Shampoo When She Isn't Coming Over, Only She Notices, And So Deliberately Leaves Underwear Tucked In The Bottom Of The Bed And A Pretty Sock Here And There.

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